Engineered for peace of mind.

Hyundai is on a mission to make driving as safe as possible. That’s why our entire range of cars includes best-in-class safety features to protect all passengers.

Technology you won't see. Safety you will notice.

To us, creating comprehensive safety means watching out for you, protecting you in case of accidents, and constantly looking for even better ways of doing just that.

  1. Icon of Proactive Safety for Hyundai.

    Proactive Safety.

    Every Hyundai includes advanced electronic safety systems that watch out for you and prevent accidents from happening.

  2. Icon of Passive Safety for Hyundai.

    Passive Safety.

    All Hyundai vehicles are built to withstand impact and protect all passengers in case a collision does occur.

  3. Icon of Safety Innovation for Hyundai.

    Safety Innovation.

    We invest heavily in research and testing to keep improving all our models’ safety performance.

    Proactive Safety

    Advanced Driver Assistance System.

    Our models are equipped with a variety of sensors that power their proactive safety systems.
    1. Hyundai TUCSON with a front view camera for safety features.

      Front View Camera.

      Monitors the street and keeps track of lane boundaries, speed limit signs and other traffic participants. Stops the car automatically when necessary.
    2. Hyundai TUCSON with front radars for safety features.

      Front Radars.

      Radars complement the front view camera: They spot cars, cyclists or people and make sure the car stays at a safe distance or slows down automatically.
    3. Hyundai TUCSON with rear radars for safety features.

      Rear Radars.

      You don’t have eyes in the back, which is why the rear radars are used to detect anything in your way and to automatically alert you.

      Passive Safety

      Protection from all angles. Built right in.

      Sometimes collisions are unavoidable. Hyundai has engineered its vehicles to offer maximum protection for all passengers and to minimise the impact on others.
      1. The reinforced chassis of every Hyundai for advanced safety.

        Built to withstand dangers.

        From its reinforced chassis to specific crumple zones, each Hyundai is designed keep you safe in case of a collision.

      2. Airbags positioned in the Hyundai TUCSON shown from an top view.

        Airbags around the interior.

        Your vehicle protects all passengers from impact with airbags that rapidly activate in case of an accident.

      3. The eCall button located in the roof of Hyundai cars.

        eCall speeds up response times.

        Should you be involved in an accident, your Hyundai automatically phones the emergency services.

        Safety Innovation

        Invested in your safety. And in constant improvements.

        Keeping you safe isn’t just a priority, it’s something we work on every day. In our research, we refine the technologies in our vehicles and identify new ways of assisting your driving. Then we test each innovation to make sure it fulfils the highest safety standard.
        1. Hyundai research for smart assistive systems.


          Hyundai’s research has led to a number of smart assistive systems that help keep your eyes on the road and avoid collisions.

        2. Crash test with a Hyundai for additional safety.

          Crash Tests.

          Each vehicle undergoes vigorous testing to ensure its passengers remain protected even in the case of crashes.

        3. Hyundai NEXO received a 5 star rating in the NCAP.

          EURO NCAP.

          Hyundai consistently receives high safety ratings from the independent European New Car Assessment Programme.

          EV Safety

          Ready for the future. Without compromises.

          Many people worry about dangers when driving electric vehicles when in fact electrified cars don’t imply any concessions on safety. Here’s why.
          1. Batteries in the vehicle floor for low centre of gravity.

            Low centre of gravity.

            Car batteries are not only well-encapsulated; in all Hyundai models, they are located in the vehicle floor and specially protected by design. A welcome side-effect of this is that because the vehicle’s centre of gravity is very low, it is less likely to roll over than a conventional car.
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          1. Hyundai battery clearcut.

            Automatic battery cut-off.

            Electric cars must be “intrinsically safe”. This means that the power flow of the battery is cut-off as soon as a defect is detected. In case of an accident, the battery is automatically disconnected from the other high-voltage components and cables within milliseconds. The 12-volt electrical system, however, continues to operate and supply the hazard warning lights, for example. This safety measure alone makes a sudden fire highly unlikely.
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          1. The chassis parts of the E-GMP system of Hyundai.

            No flammable fuel.

            While liquid fuel spilling from a petrol or diesel car is a fire hazard, electric car batteries are generally slow-burning and allow ample time to evacuate from a crash site.
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